
Download the logo and complete work material for managing Climate & Nature.

Klimat_Natur_LOGO_SE.zip Klimat _Natur_LOGO_ENG.zip KLIMAT & NATUR verktygslåda_Mapp.zip

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Logo with a message

The Climate & Nature logo can be applied with messages on one or two lines. This page describes the application.

One line

Adjustment zones
These zones are used to measure the free space around the logo as well
for example, align text with the logo.

Free space
Like the free space of the standard logo, a square is measured from the band
height. 50% of such a square provides the free space for the logo itself. 50%
of this square gives the text / message free space to the edge. Generally
the messages should be kept short and concise. The message should always be
communicated in uppercase lowercase letters.

For long message texts, the text size should not be smaller than "Climate & Nature" as in the example below. Instead, use the two-line logo.

Two lines

Adjustment zones
These zones are used to measure the free space around the logo and, for example, to align text with the logo.

Free space
Like the free space of the standard logo, a square is measured from the height of the band. 50% of such a square provides the free space for the logo itself. 50% of this square gives the text / message free space to the edge. In general, the messages should be kept short and concise.

The messages must always be communicated in capital letters.

For long message texts, the text size should not be smaller than Climate & Nature as in the example here.