
Roll up

We use roll-ups in various contexts, for example at trade fairs.

To achieve consistency of appearance we have guidelines related to format, size and placement of logotypes as well as of the guarantor. 

Remember to place important information at the very top of a roll-up used in an environment where people are moving around. For visibility from a long distance a logotype across the whole area of the roll-up can be a good solution.



Applications - Trade fairs / Event / Rollups measurements

We work with two formats: 80 x 200 cm and 100 x 200 cm.

In the event that Lantmännen's logo is used, it is placed at the top or bottom according to the examples.

Note that the size of the logo is the same for both formats and that the size of the Sprout is the same for the group and company logos.

Screen wall

Logotyp, utfallande bilder och karaktäristisk typografi skapar en tydlig avsändare.

Storlek på logotyp följer riktlinjerna, på så vis uppstår harmoni när fler än en enhet används bredvid varandra.


Logo, image layouts and characteristic typography create a clear sender.

The size of the Logo follows the guidelines, in that way we are creating harmony when more than one unit is used next to each other.