Exempel på digitala annonser i PDF

Digital ad

How to structure the Job ad:

  1. The role/position is to be written as: Title, Location
  2. This is what you will doThis section is not written as bullet points but as body text. This text should explain the role and the main tasks it requires, which team or department the individual will work with and the day-to-day tasks. Try to keep this short and consisted. Try to keep the sentences short; it is better to divide them up into more sentences than to write long ones including all work tasks
  3. This is what you need to succeed

    You have
    What experience does the candidate need to have?
    - This part is written in short bullet point
    - Example could be educational background, and specify in that case what is a relevant background – is it a university degree in economics or in marketing for example?
    - Don’t write specific years of experience, it is better to define what experience and what level
    - Keep this to a maximum of 5-6 bullets and only the most necessary, skip the nice to haves!

    You are
    This part explains the soft-skills the candidate needs to have.
    - This part is written in bullet points
    - Examples could be communicative skills and language skills

    Note that for Bluecollar advertisements the heading “This is what you need to succeed” is sufficient and does not need to be divided up in the two under sections “You have and you are”.

  4. What we offer You
    Describes Lantmännen’s wide range of businesses and career opportunities, use the Employer Value Proporsition, the cornerstones, the manifesto for inspiration. You can also think about what is a Unique Selling Point for your sector and the team the candidate would be joining? This part should be ended with either of the following:

    “- Let’s reimagine your career”
    “- Can you reimagine the world of grain?”
    “- Together we reimagine the world of grain”
  5. Sounds interesting?
    Continue with: We hope so! This section should end the ad in a simple and informal way. Include information such as when the last day of application is, who to contact and who is responsible. End this section with ”We are looking forward to hearing from you!”.