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Concept design - Climate & Nature

Here we describe the logotype structure for Climate & Nature.



  • The program must always be referred to as ”Climate & Nature – Lantmännen’s program for farming of the future” when introducing the name for the first time in a text.

  • After the first mentioning, it can simply be referred to as ”Climate & Nature”.

    For example:
    By launching Climate & Nature – Lantmännen’s program for farming of the future, we want to drive broad sustainable transformation. The ambition with Climate & Nature is also to meet the demand for sustainably produced food.


Climate & Nature is Lantmännen's cultivation program for farming of the future. There is a guarantee that the product you buy contributes to a reduced environmental impact and greater Biodiversity.

As a stand alone, the logotype is always presented as one ribbon with two tabs, either with a visible connection or embracing something.


The colors of the logo follow Lantmännen's identity color.
The logo's dark green color and shadow are added in black and with

Logo versions

Logo without shadow
In cases where the background is solid and even and that allows a good contrast to the logo, the version without shadow is used.

Note! There is a version of the logo with a green shadow on the white circle to enhance the circle against light background - not to be confused with shading behind the entire logo!

Logo with a shadow
In cases where the background consists of several elements, patterns or a photograph etc. the version with shadow is used for better contrast.

Free space and minimum size

Adjustment zones
These zones are used to measure the free space around the logo, such as e.g.
align text with the logo.

The logo must always be surrounded by a free space. It is based on the height of the band and measured with a rectangle on the sides of the band, 50% of the size
on the measured rectangle constitutes the free surface itself.

The free space always follows proportional to the size of the logo.

Minimum size
The minimum size in print is 52 mm and 200 px in digital media

Logo placement

To maintain continuity and precision in the graphic expression, it is important that the logo is placed correctly. Here are some examples of placements.

On a single surface
When the logo is placed alone on a surface such as posters so placed
the logo centered slightly above the horizontal centerline of the surface.


With text and message

The logo is placed centered on surfaces with text and other messages, either at the top or bottom of the surface.