The Guarantor on product brand websites

The guarantor is automatically placed on web pages that are part of our shared network of websites, the Green Web Framework. The guarantor on web pages is interactive, and links to an informational text about Lantmännen that is located in the footer of all pages.

The Guarantor is a requirement

The Guarantor must be used on all websites for our product brands in food and for all brands covered by the Guarantor's guidelines. This applies to both Food and Non-food and makes it clear who is behind the brand.

The Guarantor is managed centrally and is designed to be responsive and work well in mobile mode.

For the same space reasons as on packaging, an adapted version of the Guarantor is used for websites, see image to the right.

In which markets does the Guarantor apply?

On websites targeting the Nordic markets, this is a requirement. In other markets, it is optional to use the Guarantor in the product brand's marketing material. Where a website has Nordic languages/language options, the Guarantor must be added.

Which version of the Guarantor applies?

It is the simplified version that is used on websites.

Read more about the two basic versions of the Guarantor here.

The Guarantor in desktop mode

In desktop mode, the guarantor appears in the bottom right corner of the browser, and follows along as you scroll. When clicking on the guarantor, the browser scrolls down to the bottom of the page, where more information about Lantmännen and a link to is displayed.

Contact Lantmännen Digital Specialist to connect Garant on your page.

The Guarantor in mobile mode

In mobile mode, the guarantor appears in the bottom right corner of the browser, and follows you when you scroll. When clicking on the guarantor, the browser scrolls down to the bottom of the page, where more information about Lantmännen and a link to is displayed.

Read more about Lantmännen's digital implementation of visual identity and management of Garanten in digital channels here.