Download the Guarantor for packaging

For packaging, all languages

The Guarantor

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Overall guidelines

All of Lantmännen's product brands are covered by the strategy with our Guarantor. All packaging in the Nordic markets must bear the Guarantor according to the directives below.

Primary solution 


The Guarantor tape is extended around the package and is linked to the text box that is placed on the adjacent page. If it is not possible to place the text box on the adjacent side, the band and the box splits up and we use a secondary solution, se below.

The red mark on the tape is showing where the Guarantor should be right adjusted against the package edge when the tape is extended.

  1. The Guarantor is always placed at the front in the top right corner of the packaging.
  2. Guarantor size always relate to the size of the package and not the brand design.
  3. The Guarantor band should be extended and linked together with a text box.

Note: There may be types of packaging in which these rules are difficult to apply. In these specific instances is to find the best possible solution using the guidelines in this documentation.

In all cases where the rules can not be applied are reviewed with David Lundgren, Communications and Brand for approval.

Example of the Guarantor of packaging, primary solution

The Guarantor on a bag

A bag has increased free space due to indistinct or glued edges.


Cardboard packaging has clear edges to relate to.

Landscape format with glued edge.

Position is adjusted together with layout.

Pack sizes

The packaging can be divided into three different sizes; small, medium and large. The classification is always based on the package width.

There may be some packaging formats where regulations can be difficult to apply. At those specific times we have to find the best possible solution using the guidelines in this documentation.

Primary proportions:

Small packages <-100 mm = Guarantor is 21 mm wide.
Between packs 100-150 mm = Guarantor is 26 mm wide.
Great packaging 150-200 mm = Guarantor is 31 mm wide.

In all cases where the rules can not be applied shall be reviewed by David Lundgren, Department Brand & Marketing for approval.

Free space

The height of the Guarantor band is used to set the free space. If the distance between the Guarantor and packaging logo / brand is less than the flank they are too close together. Or the distance from pack edge.

If this is the case, the packaging logo / brand be reduced or moved so that both the sender and the Guarantor will fit.

On plastic bags, the free space are increased from the top edge, due to packaging format.

Position of the Guarantor

The Guarantor is placed on the package top right corner. The distance to the edge is the free space above.

For bags with unclear or glued corners the free space is increased. Ensure consistent placement within packaging types.

Secondary Options - Split Elements

Sometimes the band may not be extended due to, for example, packaging or printing process. We then divide the Guarantor and the text box. 

The Guarantor is placed as usual in top right corner and the text box is placed on the side or on the back. If the elements are diveded, the textbox gets a button with the sprout placed to it.

English translation:

"Good food from Lantmännen
We are owned by Swedish farmers and together we take responsibility from field to fork. Read more at"


Minimum size 5 pt. 
This is to ensure that it readability. 

- Lantmännen Serif for headlines 
- Lantmännen Sans for body text 
- The text is always negative white.

Alternative design of the Guarantor - divided elements

Packaging types without a distinct edge, such as glued bags, have a special variant of the Guarantor for a softer and more natural end of the band.

The right part of the green flag is extended around the corner and ends on the side of the package. The end of the band gets an arrow-shaped end instead of being cut straight. How far the band is extended is up to each individual package, since there is always a lot of space to use.

Very small packages

This solution can be used on some small packages with very little space for a belonging text box. We use the extended band and puts a little short informational text there.

The band also get a soft finish.

Soft packaging

Many of the packages on which the guarantor is placed is soft with "round" corners without a distinct edge to place the Guarantor against. If there is no space for the text box in connection there is a risk that it looks strange.

If the Guarantee band is aligned with the right edge of the packaging drawing, there is a risk that it will disappear on the side and become unclear when the packaging is filled up. Especially important is that the entire text "Lantmännen" on the Garant is clearly visible on the front.

In thisasd example, we use Secondary Guarantor 1b. However, it is completely open to use the most suitable Guarantor variant.

Language options

Packaging used for multiple languages uses the guarantor text box with multiple languages. 

If the packaging is only used on one market, that language is used for the text.

Today the Guarantor is availably in these languages:
- Danish
- English
- Finnish
- Nordic joint packaging (De/Fi/No/Se)
- Norweigian
- Swedish



Here are different examples of the placement of the Guarantor in the upper right corner. The size of the Guarantor is either 21, 26 or 31 mm, depending on the width of the package.

Example GoGreen

Guarantor width 18 mm. Package width 72 mm.

Example START!

Guarantor's width 26 mm. Packaging width 143,5 mm.

Example AXA

Guarantor's width = 31 mm. Packaging width = 192 mm.