Concept design

Different projects and concepts can have their own design to more clearly hold a material together visually. The own design is then always based on Lantmännen's graphic building blocks and has our logo as the sender, but that the concept can be given its own adaptations.

Here we show guidelines and various examples to clarify this.

As a starting point, it is our brand, Lantmännen, that must characterize and be able to carry everything we do and it is always Lantmännen with our logo that is the sender.

General rules

  • Lantmännen is always the sender

  • Lantmännen's design program governs

  • We do not make additions to the logo

  • We do not create unique "brands" directly under the group brand


Example: Climate & nature

Climate & Nature is Lantmännen's cultivation program for
the agriculture of the future. It is a Lantmännen common concept with a number of different target groups within the Group's business areas.

There is a guarantee that the product
you buy contributes to a reduced environmental impact and greater

Here you will find people who work with Climate & Nature aids, tools and guidelines.


Example: The farm of the future - Bjertorp